
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

UBQARI Readers brought unique, tried and tested new tips.

Ubqari Magazine - Monthly Ubqari Magazine October 2020


A critically ill man miraculously recovered by cleaning Masjid’s washroom!

Respected Hazrat Hakeem Sahib Assalamo Alikum! May Allah Almighty keep you and your family and the entire Ubqari institution happy and safe, and may you continue to guide people. Hazrat Sahib, I have learnt a lot by coming to the Tasbeeh Khana. I have been sick for two months. One day I recalled that you had said when you are sick or restless, clean the washroom of the mosque and I did that and I got well.


Read this verse for the love of husband and wife

Respected Hazrat Hakeem Sahib Assalamo Alikum! for love between husband and wife, read verse no. 30 of Surah Yusuf one hundred and one times daily with full Attention and belief and will create love God willing, all resentment will be erased (J, Lahore).


Please read these two tried and tested tips from me!

Respected Hazrat Hakeem Sahib Assalamo Alikum! I pray that you are well and every moment I pray that Allah will keep you, your family and all those around you safe and well.


Protecting a tree in a storm!

There is very old and large tree planted in our house. Whenever the wind blew or there was a storm, a big branch would break. One day, a very strong wind blew and my daughter said to me today it feels as if the whole tree will come down. I said to recite یا حفیظ یا سلام and then the children and I started reciting. Whenever there are strong winds, I recite this 11 times. Thanks to Allah since that day not a single branch has broken.


What happened when my son went to get his mobile fixed?

My son's mobile phone has broken. I had heard in the lesson/Dars that if something goes wrong, recite Surah Quraysh on it. I recite Surah Quraysh twice on my mobile phone Twelve times. When my son took it to the shop and the technician restarted it twice, it was completely fine.  This is all due to the grace of Allah Almighty and the magic of your Wazaif. Sarwat Jabeen wife of Muhammad Yameen Chakwal



With the blessing of this process, I got a shop

Respected Hazrat Hakeem Sahib Assalamo Alikum! My husband needed a grocery store in order to run his business. I recited Surah Al-Dhuha Only once. A month later, with the blessing of this process, we got a shop.


Readers take note of the process

Surah Wal-Dhuha with Bismillah is to be recited once and in the beginning and at the end three times Durood Sharif and 9 times یا کریم on each "Kaaf" of Surah Do this once after every prayer or once in the morning and evening. It is more beneficial if you do this before fajr namaz but if you’re unable, do this at any time. The more you do, the more you will get benefit. Let the whole family do this or as many people as possible. Keep the goal in sight whilst reciting. 9 goals can be imagined together. The process is to be done for 9 days. If that’s didn’t work, then the process has to be started again for nine continuous days. In the same way, keep reciting for nine days.


If you are fed up of someone's bad language, TRY this and your mission may succeed!

Respected Hazrat Hakeem Sahib Assalamo Alikum! I am thankful to ubqari. Through them, I got an opportunity to share my personal tried and tested wazifa with my siblings. Wazifa for someone’s bad language.  If youre fed up of someone’s disrespective behavior and bad language As soon as you see such people, start reciting the word ya kalamo in your heart and read innumerable times. Even if that person is not in front of you, keep the concept in your heart and recite it in every situation while walking and sitting. InshaAllah, the behavior of that individual will improve overtime and the morals will be better. Bushra Ibrahim Salanwali




Praying from the heart will surely be accepted

Respected Hazrat Hakeem Sahib Assalamo Alikum! I needed a table for study, so my cousin and I went to see the table, the shopkeeper was asking for a higher price therefore we came back home, I prayed after the obligatory prayers that Allah Almighty, I need a table and I don't have enough money to buy a table. Believe me, on that very day I discovered that our neighbors were shifting to their village. Uncle called me and asked me, "Son Ibrahim, do you have a computer table?"

I said no but he insisted that He is unable to take the table with him to the village tomorrow. i brought it to home. Readers. The price of this table which is given by my uncle is three times more than the table I saw in the shop.  Ahmed Ibrahim Yusuf Jhelum


 After reciting Durood Sharif, my son’s wish was fulfilled!

My son is ten years old and He asks me daily to buy him a new bicycle because the old bicycle had broken. I explained to him that I did not have that much money yet, I have to pay yours and your younger sister’s school fee as well as new school books for you both but he refused to accept my reasoning. I recited the Durood Sharif and I cried for Allah’s mercy, in the evening I received a phone call from my elder sister and she asked how things were. I explained the situation to her regarding my son’s need of a new bicycle. How can I purchase a new bicycle as I don’t have the money?


Baji immediately said, "Buy a new bicycle. I will send you the money." I refused, but Baji insisted, "That this would be a gift from her. Nasira Manzoor Gujrat."

Read/recite, blow on your hands and touch/rub on eyes

Respected hakeem sahib I have been reading Ubqari for two years. Now ubqari has become an important part of our lives. We are so fond of it. We use prayers and tips mentioned in it and get benefits from it. Ubqari’s wazaif and tips are really very effective. I am writing my tested wazifa to get rid of weak eyesight. I had weak eyesight. I got checked and doctor suggested me to use spectacles/glasses that I used then one of our elders who is eighty years old MASHAALLAH and recites Quran without glasses/spectacles, gave me a wazifa that I did it and got good result. With the blessings of this wazifa I got rid of glasses and got checked again and it was all fine. Ayah is mentioned below: فکشفنا عنک غطائک فبصرک الیوم حدید.

Recite 7,9 or 11 times after praying faraz of fajar and maghrib prayers, blow on hands and touch on eyes, INSHAALLAH with the blessings of this wazifa you would get  clear/good vision. Tested results/ observations of this wazifa have already been published so many times in monthly Ubqari magazine whoever tried it got benefits of it.

Unique tips! Get rid of stomach problems and acid-free food

Respected hakeem sahib asslam o alaikum! I am going to share a powder/mixture (herbal medicine/phuki) HUWALSHAFI: small green cardamom 50 grams, black paper 50 grams and koza misri 150 grams. Blend all the ingredients in a powder form. Quantity of misri must be so that you don’t feel the sting of black paper. Take one teaspoon after every meal. It’s my tried and tested one and is very beneficial. My elders told me this. It’s good for it gives good digestion, increases appetite also beficial for constipation, motion and abdominal pain. (Bint e khizar hayat, kamonki)

Acid-free food a unique tip:

Take half kg of celery. Clean it and dip in lemon juice and dry it in sunlight then take five spoons of black seeds/black cumin and five spoons of fenugreek seeds mix them all and keep in ajar whenever you cook food add half teaspoon of this mixture in gravy. It will make your food tasty and digestive. I myself is using it for many years since when I have started using tip children are less likely to get sick. Let me give you another tip whenever you prepare your meal try to be with ablution and recite DAROOD. Believe me meal will be tasty and finger licking. (zahida chishti)   

Tip that brought brother out of theater without surgery

Respected hakeem sahib asslam o alaikum I want to share a tip with Ubqari. It’s my tested one. Sometimes ago my younger brother had abdominal pain/stomach ache. That pain became so intense that all his intestines get stuck with each other and came into a shape of bundle. There became a knot. Whole stomach system stopped working. Doctors kept him injecting whole night, gave him medicines but he found no relief. After mutual consultation, as a last solution doctors suggested to operate. My brother called me and asked to pray for him. Respected hakeem sahib I got up immediately and boiled half kg milk added 1 chatank butter and blow surah FALAQ AND SURAH NAAS after reciting one time and put it in thermos, sent to the hospital. My husband took it and gave my brother to drink it. My other brother forbid him by asking that it is of no use but the sick brother drank it after drinking half cup he got  a little relief and asked to give him the remaining drink. After a while, drinking it he felt good and fresh. When doctors came, he told them about the tip and refused to undergo the surgery doctors got surprised. Respected hakeem sahib I never heared and read this tip anywhere rather I thought with my mind and tried it by the name of ALLAH and got hundred percent results I try all the given tips in ubqari magazine. Ubqari magazine is very good may ALLAH bless ubqari magazine. (Mrs. Syed kazimhussain shah, kotli azad kashmir)

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